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thebridge CC - Job search Coaching | The Bridge Career Consulting

thebridge CC - Job search Coaching | The Bridge Career Consulting / Lifestyle  / The New Workplace reality. Telecommuting

The New Workplace reality. Telecommuting

The pandemic crisis has forced people to find jobs that guarantee them some financial and emotional stability. To achieve this goal, many have designed plans on how to obtain stable employment from home.

This new reality is a win-win for both companies and people seeking this new type of employment. Companies have rapidly embraced new business models, focused on virtual reality, and further exploiting the vast clientele that exists in the cyber world.

Here are some job areas that are booming in hiring in the United States.

E-gaming: Companies in the entertainment industry have experienced an incredible increase given the internet’s visibility to the sector. Businesses such as online casinos, gambling programming, affiliate marketing, among others, have grown exponentially, allowing hundreds of companies to hire more staff free of job responsibilities as offered by the traditional market.

Accounting: Accountants are the main column of any business, and now more in times of pandemic. Your services are requested like never before. Anyone with accounting knowledge could generate stable income from the comfort of their home, taking advantage of this to expand their client portfolio.

Virtual Assistants: When the pandemic has transformed the world, thousands of companies, especially small business owners, are increasingly hiring specialists who allow them to organize the new business dynamics from virtual reality. The objective is to enforce the tasks that would enable streamlining the day-to-day functions of a company. A virtual assistant can offer customer service, take orders, organize agendas, promote the company on social platforms, among other parts.

Translator: The demand for translators has increased in the new virtual reality, as many companies have decided to expand their services and enter new international markets. This is why translation services have increased by up to 150%. People dedicated to this can work in various functions ranging from company spell checking to edit and translating books in different languages. You can find this type of job on different platforms such as Indeed, Upwork, and LinkedIn.


According to Mckinsey specialists, virtual reality is here to stay, and with this, the new business rules will continue to be readjusted. Even after the pandemic, millions of companies worldwide will continue to employ more than half of their workforce virtually.


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